1920: The Evil Returns
1920: The Evil Returns
1920: The Evil Returns is a 2012 Indian supernatural horror film directed by Vikram Bhatt, serving as a sequel to the 2008 film 1920. Set in the backdrop of the early 20th century, the narrative follows the harrowing experiences of a young couple, Arjun and Lisa, who move into a haunted mansion, unaware of the malevolent forces that linger within. The film explores themes of possession, love, and the struggle against dark entities, featuring a blend of romance and horror. Starring Aftab Shivdasani and Kavita Kaushik, 1920: The Evil Returns garnered attention for its atmospheric cinematography and music, contributing to the revival of the horror genre in Indian cinema. The film received mixed reviews from critics and audiences alike, highlighting its stylistic execution versus narrative coherence.