102 Not Out
102 Not Out
102 Not Out is a 2018 Indian Hindi-language comedy-drama film directed by Umesh Shukla, based on the popular Gujarati play of the same name by Saumya Joshi. The film stars Amitabh Bachchan as Dattatraya Vakharia, a 102-year-old father, and Rishi Kapoor as his 75-year-old son, Babulal. The narrative explores the unconventional relationship between the two, highlighting themes of aging, familial bonds, and the zest for life. Dattatraya, determined to live life to the fullest, embarks on a mission to change his son’s perspective on growing older. The film received positive reviews for its performances, particularly that of Bachchan, and was praised for its heartwarming storytelling and humor, resonating well with audiences in India and abroad.